Luciana is a Brazilian photographer lives and works in Amsterdam. She was born in São Paulo graduated as a Master in fine arts at HKU in Utrecht (2011) and in Social Studies with a major in contemporary photography at Faap (Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado) São Paulo (2000).
She has been working as a professional photographer since 2000, collaborating with different medias, including magazines as Pais & Filhos, specialized in baby/children, Arquitetura e Construção, publishers companies as Abril and FolhaPress and Metro newspaper in São Paulo, in Brazil.
She has photographed scenes of “Canta Maria, by Franscisco Ramalho Jr.” “Caixa 2 “by Bruno Barreto”, “Falsa Loura” by Carlos Reichenbach, among other films as still photographer for feature films.
She is passionate about life, films, arts and children photography !